Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
This solo exhibition scrutinized two systems structuring contemporary geopolitics – religion and natural resources. Through the prism of Saudi society, each system is shown to be massive in both physical and conceptual reach, braided with economics, social transformation and, ultimately, control.
Through three chapters, these global socio-political systems are shown to be guided by concealed and unacknowledged forces. The sources are likened to mitochondria; invisible unless deliberately stained, these biological powerhouses are the location and the processor – supplying, converting and storing energy within the closed system of each cell. In the same way, these works locate and expose the unseen powerhouses that govern the 21st century. In three chapters, the exhibition explores rentier and faith economies as well as Ekistics (the science of human settlements) to trace the contours of economic, environmental and sociopolitical fortunes.